Interferential Units

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VQ Orthocare


bullet Dual channel (4-lead) all digital Interferential with muscle stim mode
bullet Bi-polar (2 electrode) or quadra-polar (4 electrode) treatment option
bullet Four frequency shift options (constant, 1/1 abrupt, 6/6 abrupt, 6/6 ramped)
bullet Six frequency sweep modes (1-20 Hz, 1-150 Hz, 80-150 Hz over a 15 or 30 minute sweep duration time)
bullet 5 Preset default programs that can altered and accessed
bullet 20 available preset programs
bullet Fully programmable
bullet Capable of setting linked (sequential) programs
bullet Last setting recall & settings lock
bullet Compliance monitor
bullet 3 Year Warranty





bullet Dual Channel
bullet Three pre-programmed sweeps
bullet Bipolar stimulation using two electrodes or Full stimulation with the use of four electrodes.
bullet Timer
bullet 3 Year Warranty

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